
Silver Lake Community Association owns and operates the 20-acre lake and dam known as Silver Lake outside the borough of Lewisberry PA.

The Silver Lake Community Association (SLCA) has approximately 80 members who own property either fronting on Silver Lake or part of the original land track known as Silver Lake Colony in York County, PA. Members all have rights to use and enjoyment of the lake in their deeds or deed history, and as such are also financially responsible for the maintenance of the lake and its three dams. Maintenance of our lake, dam, spillway and feeder streams is completely funded by the SLCA members. Volunteers perform maintenance and improvement projects as a group several weekends a year.

Our man-made lake dates back to 1786 and for decades powered a grain mill. The mill house still stands and is occupied on the corner of Silver Lake and Siddonsburg Roads. Read more information about Silver Lake’s History.

For the latest news, updates and current events follow our Blog. We invite you to view our Gallery as we share the beautiful wildlife and scenery of our lakeside homes.

The Silver Lake Community Association’s lake and dam are regulated by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP). As such, our dam is subject to mandatory annual inspections by a Professional Engineer as well as other reporting, inspection and maintenance requirements as required by PA DEP regulations. We are in full compliance and have an Emergency Action Plan in place.

Here is the Welcome Packet for New Members SLC Booklet – New Neighbor Packet 6-3-2023