It is a long standing tradition that our families and friends gather around beautiful Silver Lake to celebrate the July 4 holiday.
- 50/50 Raffle: Volunteers will be going house to house and selling 50/50 raffle tickets. This is a SLCA fundraiser – 50% go to the winner of the drawing and 50% goes to the ongoing maintenance and support of our dams and feeder streams. Please purchase generously, and encourage your guests to do so also.
- Flares: The annual ‘ring of fire’ is a highlight of our July 4 celebration. At dark, lakeside residents ring the lake with flares to the awe and appreciation of all present. The SLCA sells flares at cost. Volunteers will circulate in late afternoon to resident’s homes to sell them. If your neighbors are not present, please consider purchasing a few flares to light up their lake wall also. Flares are $5/each or 3 @ $10.
Friend of Silver Lake car magnets available. Suggested donation: $20 each or 3 @ $50 New! Friend of Silver Lake: Oval car bumper magnets are available this year. We are fund raising for necessary dam repairs and improvements. We encourage your friends and family members who enjoy beautiful Silver Lake to show their support for our efforts. As you know, Silver Lake is now under the regulation of the PA Department of Environmental Protection. Consequently, we must pay costly annual inspection and report filing fees that are both new to SLCA AND challenging.
Suggested Donation: $20 each or 3 for $50.
And some words of caution…
- Use life jackets for the young ones
- Have your hose hooked up for unexpected fires
- Keep an eye out for anyone on the lake who may have a need of help
- While we all love a good party, with plenty of music and conversation, please be respectful of your neighbors as it gets later.
It is not too late to get your FoSL car magnets and show your support of the lake. Contact Us to arrange your purchase!
July 4, 2014 on Silver Lake